Our work started in 2017 in Malawi, which has one of the world’s highest rates of road traffic related mortality (approximately 5,700 deaths as a result of RTCs each year) but one of the world’s lowest, though rapidly rising, rates of vehicle ownership.

Our Medical Research Councils and Arts and Humanity Research Council award has the following long-term partnership aims:

To establish lasting interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral research partnership to develop, evaluate and disseminate innovative and sustainable solutions that prevent and respond to road traffic related trauma in Malawi, and across sub-Saharan Africa.

To investigate the barriers and facilitators, including cultural and contextual factors that influence the community prevention of and response to road traffic related trauma.

To develop a programme intervention to improve community prevention and first-response within local communities highly affected by road traffic related trauma.

To consider the potential transferability of the developed programme intervention across sub-Saharan Africa.

To communicate the outputs of the partnership, and the interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral methods that are used to achieve its aims, to a local national and international audience.

To develop a partnership funding plan to ensure sustainability of the partnership.

Chitetezo project film series
